Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Little Peanut

On Friday, I had my first OB appointment. I was 8 weeks and 5 days. Let me tell you that when you get to your second pregnancy, the dr. doesn't care so much about seeing you. I guess that's not really true. I have a wonderful dr. who I love and she's very excited for us. It's just that I remember when I got pregnant with Elaine I was immediately in seeing my doctor, having blood tests and ultrasounds, etc. This time when I called to say that I was pg, they told me I could come in when I was 8-9 weeks. Those 4 weeks between the first positive pregnancy test and the first doctor's appointment were the longest of my life.

The night before my appointment, I had horrible nightmares about finding out that a) I wasn't pregnant at all or b) that I was pregnant but there was no heartbeat. I never had these fears with Elaine - despite the fact that that was a high risk pregnancy from the beginning. So I was a bit of a basket-case all day on Friday until we got to the dr. The first thing my dr. said when we started the ultrasound was "You're definitely pregnant." That was the BEST thing she could have said. Then we saw the heartbeat and I knew everything was going to be ok. Once you see/hear a heartbeat the chances of miscarrige drop a lot! And today my dr. called to say all my bloodwork came back good. (And they took a LOT of blood! I'd take a picture of my enormous bruise but it's really disgusting and no one wants to see it, including me.)

But what you probably DO want to see, is this. My new little peanut (and s/he does look like a peanut).


Becky said...

Beautiful photo. My favorite part of each doctor appointment was hearing the heartbeat ...there are few sounds sweeter than the heartbeat of your child. Peanut is so cute!!
We are very much looking forward to meeting Baby Hull and playing with Elaine again. And, of course, we want to you and Phil :-)
Keep us updated!

Becky said...

I can't type tonight...Lillie has decided to shorten her sleep cycle the past couple of nights...
I meant to say that we also want to see you and Phil (but I forgot to type see!)

Kellyry said...

Awh! H/she really DOES look like a peanut! Glad all is well. Does your Dr. expect this pregnancy to be high-risk as well?

DeniseMarie said...

I submit a name for your consideration, and the real beauty of it is that it could work for a boy or a girl: Cashew Hull. :) Can't wait to meet him/her outside the womb!