Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Things To Do

I have definitely had a case of the blahs the last few days. Maybe even more than blahs...I've been downright.....down. I feel very boring - I just don't have an interesting life (hence the name of my blog). I called a former co-worker yesterday and got all the latest office gossip. Then my friend asked what was going on with me. Um, nothing. Not that my girls aren't interesting - I think they are. But what is there to say? Natalie's four-months old so she's not walking, talking, etc. yet. Elaine does nothing but walk and talk. Reverse that - she TALKS and walks. And talks some more. Other than the girls though, I go to the grocery store, clean my house, do laundry, cook, read a little, knit a little. But I don't do anything. And I certainly don't do things for myself, like I used to.

So I am going to start a list of things that I want to do for myself. I have no timeframe for these things though.

1. Get back to the piano. I haven't really played and certainly haven't practiced since shortly before Elaine was born. After my sister and her fiance watched my last recital and commented on it last week, I have really felt compelled to get back to it. When I can do this, I don't know. But I want to.

2. Learn to play the harp. This is the one instrument I have wanted to learn for my entire life. I have always played piano and briefly played the violin. But the harp...I don't know what it is about that instrument but it just captivates me.

3. Not as major as the first two but since I've gotten back to knitting and am enjoying it, I must make this shawl.

4. Along the same line, I want to learn how to fit a knitted sweater for an adult and I want to be able to design a sweater or shawl or something for myself.

5. Catalog my recipes (this could take the rest of my life, even if I don't ever collect any more books, magazines, separate recipes or ideas - and that's unlikely).

6. Dancing. I don't know what exactly I will do - or who I will do it with since Phil doesn't enjoy this. But I did dance for a while (swing, ballroom, country, and teensy bit of Latin) and I do miss it. I need to do something similar at least - sometime.

After a long day like today, that's all I've got off the top of my head.


Kellyry said...

Good to make a list! Because kids are among the most selfish creatures on the planet, I imagine it's easy to get drawn into only taking care of them and putting yourself and your interests to the side. From what I've observed it's a tough balance.

Sunshine77 said...

Carol you are FAR from boring. I am sorry to hear that you are feeling down lately though. I know I am only your sister in law, but you can always call me if you want to chat or whatever. We have been trying to plan that spa day for a while now and I am just waiting to hear when you'd like to go!

I am proud of you for making a list.. I am sort of doing that myself right now... kind of the things I'd like to do before we have kids... IF we have kids. I know the grass is always greener on the other side, but I envy you and Phil sometimes. You guys have 2 beautiful daughters, a lovely home, great friends and a pretty tight knit family! I sometimes wonder if Fred and I will ever have kids, or if I will end up having my stepson for my only child. I am in the process of adopting Eddie and I am very excited about that, but it's not the same as having a baby of our own... I'm sure you remember feeling like that too.

You are intelligent, funny, a wonderful wife and mother, a hell of a chef and the best sister in law I could ever ask for. Don't EVER think you are boring!
Love ya!!