Now that I've written my second blog posting, I am excited about this again and have lots of ideas. So I'm over the whole "pathetic" thing and I'm posting again today. Here's what I intend to write about on this blog (this is mostly so I won't forget and decide that I have nothing to say).
- My family - probably mostly my 17-month old daughter
- My life (past, present & future) and random thoughts
- Recipe reviews and possibly cookbook reviews
- Mysteries
So there you have it.
(By the way, I know the photo has nothing to do with this posting.....I just wanted to put it in.)
How did you get the cute flower/bullet-point symbols?
See, I "start" this trend (amongst my friends/family anyway) and before long everyone surpasses me in creativity and technical skills.)
Hey, you got a new coffee table! Shouldn't I remain updated on things like this??? (I, too, want to kow how you did those cute flowery bullet points.)
Well it's actually a little difficult to get those bullets....
I have no idea. I put in regular bullets and when I posted it, they showed up like that. Not a clue how it happened. It must be the default bullet for this template.
And no, D, this is my OLD coffee table at my old house with my OLD haircut. I just wanted to put a picture and that was the best one I had on my computer of me (when I wasn't pg at least).
Ack, you're right--the photo was small on my screen, so it was hard to see your haircut or the curtains in the background. I need a new coffee table.....
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