Now that Denise is back from her honeymoon and I have talked to her, the world can now know that I'm pg! As far as I know my due date is December 1. I don't go to the doctor for another 3 weeks so I suppose that date can change.
I have consulted the Chinese Gender Chart (big surprise for those who know me). This says that I'm having a boy. I really want a boy but I'm trying not to get too could be wrong. But I have to wait until July to find out the gender from an ultrasound. I hope I can wait that long....
In the meantime, we are beginning to clear out the office and get our bedroom ready to house our home office. Then we can start on the new baby's room. It's going to be a busy year!

I have consulted the Chinese Gender Chart (big surprise for those who know me). This says that I'm having a boy. I really want a boy but I'm trying not to get too could be wrong. But I have to wait until July to find out the gender from an ultrasound. I hope I can wait that long....
In the meantime, we are beginning to clear out the office and get our bedroom ready to house our home office. Then we can start on the new baby's room. It's going to be a busy year!
As legend would have it, the Chinese Gender Chart was buried in a royal tomb over 700 years ago. Recently discovered, the chart has been used to predict the gender of an unborn child based on the mother's age and month of conception. Simply find the age of the mother at the time of conception on the chart and then follow across to the month the baby was conceived to find the predicted gender. - Copied from
Will you guys pick & announce names before birth or do you prefer to wait till after they arrive to announce the name?
We won't "announce" the name till after the baby's here but we'll probably pick a name this summer/fall and then tell some people. I hope we can agree on a boy name....we couldn't before so it's a good thing we had a girl.
Good thinking not posting your news to your blog before telling me personally! I can't wait for Hull Baby #2's arrival....maybe in time for Thanksgiving.....
I'm sorry to break this to you, but the Chinese chart did not successfully predict my gender. According to it, I should be a boy. Strangely enough, though, the doctors told my mom I was a boy, so I surprised everyone--including the ancient Chinese.
According to the chart, I was supposed to be a boy too. My parents thought (wished?) I'd be a boy, hence what became my middle name (Ryan) instead of my first.
Really?? I didn't know that's where your middle came from.
I tried it on another friend and it was only right for 2 of her 3 kids. Oh well....I think it's a boy anyway. But I don't really care this time as much as I thought I would.
Yep, that's where it came from. And I was named Kelly because my aunt Vickie was in fact named Kelly upon her birth, but my great-grandma either changed her name to Victoria, or she convinced my grandma to change it while my grandpa was out of the room; I can't recall which explanation is correct. So in "honor" of what WAS supposed to be my aunt's first name, I was named Kelly.
One boy, one girl is always nice. Fun to experience each gender. :-)
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