Thursday, February 16, 2012

How Do I Love Thee

Unless you have not had internet access for the last several months, you've probably at least heard of Pinterest. You may not know what it is....I didn't for a long time. Then a few weeks ago, my interest was piqued by the sheer number of my friends and acquaintances who were "pinning." I figured I better check it out.

After receiving my invitation to join, I was super excited to get on "pin." But once I got in there, I had no idea what to do. It took a couple of days to really understand this virtual bulletin board. Now I am in love. How did I live without this?

I have found:
  • delicious recipes
  • useful recipes for things like homemade laundry detergent and lotion
  • craft ideas for me to make
  • activities for kids to do
  • tips for our homeschool
  • new websites and blogs to explore

I have tested out so many things from Pinterest that I thought maybe I should share some.

First up, the little item I made today. Whipped Coconut Oil Body Butter. I actually made it for my one year old. I have been using coconut oil on her skin with moderate success. This "recipe" has you whip coconut oil in a stand mixer with a teaspoon of Vitamin E liquid (great healing for her skin too) and a few drops of essential oil, if you want. I threw in my two ingredients (no essential oil for fragrance), turned on the KitchenAid mixer, and went back to fixing breakfast. Seven minutes or so later, it was done!

It is so much easier to smooth on her skin and did doesn't feel as slimy. I may have to refrigerate it as it's starting to get a bit runny in her room. But so far I am pleased. I might make another batch to keep in my bathroom (it's a cold as a refrigerator in there anyway).

Here's the official link (taken from pinterest) to the blog. (No I haven't taken a picture of it....I forgot to do it when everything was mixing and I just have it in a plastic container so it's not very pretty right now.)

I will post about more Pinterest finds soon. If you have any great pins to share, let me know!

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